Physical Therapy Exercise Programs
OEA pain is proud to offer this comprehensive, high quality series of exericse programs for the lumbar and cervical spine. The information sheets come on a CD, in a convenient PDF format, ready for printing. We personalize each information sheet by adding your business card information (physicians' names, logo, address, and phone number.) Print these information sheets on any color laser or inkjet printer for optimal results. And because printing is unlimited, you will always have as many as you need--when you need them.
Each CD also includes 8.5 x 11 inch colored illustrations and text for lumbar and cervical stabilization exercises. These illustrations are another excellent patient education tool. In addition, each CD includes a flow sheet, developed by OEA, to help your patients track their progress with their home program.
The PDF proof versions are saved at a lower resolution and are intended only for viewing on your computer screen. Printing or copying of any OEA product without the appropriate license is strictly prohibited.
Text customization is also available. After you purchase a CD, we will mail you a generic copy. Print out the sheets you want changed, make your changes, and fax them back to OEA. OEA will send you an estimate of the number hours the text changes will take. OEA will make the changes, and then mail you your customized CD. The cost of text customization is $50/hour.
Below are four examples from the lumbar stabilization program. Contact us if you would like samples of any of these available brochures.
Printing or copying of any OEA product without the appropriate license is strictly prohibited.